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House of Fisher New Guest Service Coordinators

House of Fisher are delighted to welcome three recent additions to the #HOFfamily. Charlotte, Hannah and Yasmin have joined our Guest Services team as Guest Services Coordinators. We offer 24 hrs guest service support via our front desk at our flagship aparthotel 100 Kings Road in Reading, ensuring our guests  receive the best ‘home away from home’ stay at our Aparthotels or serviced apartments.

All three new recruits have immediately fitted into the team and are receiving glowing feedback from our guests already! We have conducted Q&A’s to share more about the amazing people behind the roles and so you know more about some of the team that will help you when staying with us…

Q) What attracted you to the position of Guest Services Coordinator and House of Fisher as a company?

Charlotte: This position came up shortly after I decided to reenter the hospitality sector. I had the desire to change up my career to something I sincerely missed, which is a customer-facing role that allows me to be myself. When reading through the job description I was thinking “This is what I need!”, not only because of the customer service skills needed but the day-to-day high amount of organisation, communication and administration needed, massively stood out to me. Therefore I applied, had the interview and trial shift and got the job! I was over the moon!

Hannah: The position of Guest Services Coordinator at House of Fisher was particularly attractive to me as I have worked in hospitality for nearly 5-6 years now, in various types of environments. However, the serviced apartment sector was something that was new and unexplored for me. When I was searching for a new position, I wanted a job where I was going to be able to learn and grow but where I was still able to use all my experience and pre-existing knowledge concerning customer service. This role has exceeded any of my previous expectations. It not only provides me with the opportunity to continue to grow my skills in customer interaction, problem-solving, and organisation but it has also allowed me to explore and learn how a well-oiled machine like House of Fisher runs, such as days out with Maintenance, Reservations training, and liaising with Housekeeping. This opportunity brought me exactly what I was looking for and more.

Yasmin: When I came across the job advert, it was a role I never expected to fall into but the job description stood out to me because of the customer service as well as the admin side of things. My work history was solely based in customer service and I wanted to stick to it but within a different environment as I was previously based in a pub. When I came for my interview, everyone was so friendly and the conditions of the location were pristine. After finding out more about the opportunity to grow as well as the way they put their employees’ needs first, I knew this is where I would want to spend a lot of my time and effort.

Q) What can a customer expect when they speak to you?

Charlotte: When a customer approaches me whether that be at the desk or elsewhere, I would hope they have come across a welcoming smile, a professional and approachable member of staff, who is more than happy to assist with any questions or queries, or even if they just fancied a chat… Who doesn’t want to talk about random things every now and again!  I believe that all members of staff that work at HOF work together to create a positive and welcoming workplace, therefore you can not help but be calm and collected in any situation the day has to offer.

Hannah: When customers speak or interact with me they should expect professionalism and someone who is dedicated to finding solutions to their problems or answers to their questions so that they can have the best experience when staying with House of Fisher. This being said, I do love to have a chat with guests where I can, and build a good rapport and relationship. I love being able to put a smile on someone else’s face, make them laugh, or make someone’s day where I can. I believe that every guest should experience a warm welcome at House of Fisher, and the feeling of comfort and friendliness should be continued throughout their stay and after.

Yasmin: Where this is a customer service-based role, they would normally be contacting me to help them out whatever the situation may be and that’s something I’ll try my best to accommodate. I am as prepared as possible whatever the challenges may be, and if I can’t assist in any way to be sure, I pass it on to someone who can sort the issue as quickly and smoothly as possible. I’m a very chatty person and love to create relationships with the customer,  which I think is very important. It adds a level of personal attention which is always nice from the customer’s point of view. It shows we care, and want them to be happy.

Q) How did you find your first day at House of Fisher and what was particularly memorable?

Charlotte: When my first day at HOF was approaching I remember feeling very nervous. All I wanted was to make a good first-day impression, looking like I was willing and ready to go. I believe I did just that. However – When I walked in I remember walking up the stairs to where Craig and Ali were sitting, saying something along the lines of “I’m here!” They then laughed and from that moment I was far more relaxed. Everyone was incredibly welcoming, even though I had decided that I would want to work here on interview day, my first day just increased this feeling X10. I am immensely grateful for this day being so great!

Hannah: I feel that a first day wherever you go is always going to be very daunting and nerve-wracking. However, even before I stepped through the door management made me feel more at ease. All my panicked questions were answered before I started like: what do I wear? As this obviously was the most important thing! All jokes aside, I was made to feel comfortable and prepared before even stepping foot in the building. As a person who struggles with anxiety and change, this was incredibly appreciated. Being on the front desk on my first day provided me with the opportunity to meet so many new faces and everyone was incredibly welcoming and approachable. I certainly felt a warm welcome from everyone I encountered and I knew that joining the HoF Family was the right choice.

Yasmin: My first day in a new environment was scary, as I had never done anything like this. However, it was an adventure and journey I was very excited for. Walking in on my first day and meeting everyone, assured me I was in the correct place. Everyone made sure to introduce themselves and always had a smile which was refreshing to see everyone happy to come to work. The way everyone acted towards each other with such kindness and laughter really stood out to me.

Q) What do you feel you will bring to House of Fisher?

Charlotte: I have always been told that I am a very positive, bubbly individual, who loves a good giggle. But as well as this – I would like to think I bring a professional attitude, a high work ethic and the willingness to get the job done to a high standard, and more.

Hannah: I think as time has gone on, I have realised that something I really love to stress in my jobs is the experiences had and the memories made. Even if it is the little things you look back on in a year or two and think fondly of. This not only applies to the guests that stay with House of Fisher but also to my colleagues. I feel it really important to show support and kindness to those you work with. I aim to keep providing these moments and experiences for guests and colleagues within House of Fisher.

Yasmin: I’ve spent a lot of time in customer service and always ensuring my guests leave happy and that is something I plan to carry on. As I mentioned previously I’m very chatty and love to create a bond, I feel like I can bring more warmth and bubbliness to the team and to our guests.

Q) House of Fisher is regarded as a young, enthusiastic and motivational place to work. How have you found the team and environment since starting?

Charlotte: And what a great young, enthusiastic and motivational we are! Every day that I come into work I look forward to seeing everyone, that being all levels and teams. You can always rely on everyone to come in with a smile on their face, a big “good morning” or “hello” … and maybe a comment about the weather or traffic… I just love how all staff members want to come to the desk for a chat and catch up at any point during the day. Now this will be work-related but it may also include a little cat catch-up! With all of this aside – the team and environment at HOF is second to none, it is amazing and I am incredibly grateful.

Hannah: When I first joined, I was actually informed I was the “baby” of the HOF Family. Now that title has been passed on to Yasmin, as she is an entire 17 days younger than me! I do think that the HoF culture is a very fun-loving, enthusiastic, and motivational place to work. The staff you are surrounded by on a daily basis are always giving you the motivation to keep going. Whether that be actively encouraging and supporting or just watching someone else’s work ethic, it makes you want to try harder. Although me and Yasmin may be younger than everyone else, it is hard to notice the age difference in terms of all the youthful and fun personalities at HOF. The environment at House of Fisher is always buzzing with determination, life, and smiles.

Yasmin: I agree with this statement in the sense of the level of enthusiasm and motivational place to work, and I say this because everyone always seems so happy to be here as well as the level of support offered when personal things happen. The culture at House of Fisher is beyond what I expected and is something that drew me to the company. I feel like there is a wide age gap however you don’t notice it as everyone is so close no matter the age or generation gap. Which keeps the environment youthful and enjoyable.

Q) We are seeing a growing trend where Serviced Apartments are becoming more and more popular with leisure travellers. Before starting at House of Fisher were you aware of the industry and had you ever stayed in a Serviced Apartment?

Charlotte: Before HOF I was aware of what serviced apartments were and I have stayed in one before, a year or 2 ago, it was a great experience! I am glad that the industry is growing, as it is such a great way to stay away from home and have full independence.

Hannah: Before starting at HOF, I was aware of serviced apartments but I had never stayed in one before. Working here has given me a better depth of understanding as to how they work. They are definitely an excellent option for those travelling for business and leisure. Going on holidays can be expensive these days, eating out every day can get very pricey. So, it is nice to have the option to be able to cook for yourself where you can save some money and have some delicious home cooking. It is great to see that more and more people are seeing them as a better alternative!

Yasmin: Before starting this role, I was aware of what serviced apartments were but didn’t have a deep knowledge of the difference. Once I had been to our locations and met some of the guests and found the reasoning behind some of the stays I started to have a deeper understanding, and why people would choose to stay at serviced apartments over hotels. I want to say the reason why it’s becoming more popular is because it is a home away from home. It’s no wonder they are becoming more popular. Especially as the staff here do their best to personalise a guest’s stay, and are always so willing to help.

Q) When you aren’t being a Guest Services Coordinator for House of Fisher, what are you likely to be doing?

Charlotte: I like to think I am part introvert, part extrovert. As much as I love to have a social life, go out with my family, friends and partner… I just love my sofa, a blanket, a candle and film, a little too much sometimes! Aside from this – When times do get a tad on the boring side, I love a good clean of my apartment while having a karaoke session, a wander around town or nature, a lunch or dinner out and a good ol ‘telephone catch-up phone call with loved ones.

Hannah: I like to think I am predictable but your guess is as good as mine as to what I would be doing on any given day. Some days I am very much an introvert who loves to be in my own space, watch a TV series, burn a candle, with a cup of tea or coffee. I also love to cook, so any time I have to make a delicious meal I will definitely use it. On the end of the spectrum, you can find me all over the shop in the outside world! One day I might be in London for a concert or to visit friends to play D&D (yes, I am a nerd), could be in Bristol to watch a musical, or going back to my roots in Bath to visit my friends and family. Time with my friends and family is what I truly love most, no matter what the activity!

Yasmin: I am a bit of a homebody, I can’t lie. I enjoy staying at home and watching my favourite tv shows, with a cup of tea. However, I do have two little sisters below the age of 4, where on weekends I like to try and go to the park with them or have little playdates, or pick them up from nursery during the week. I do occasionally go to festivals and they are mainly Drum and Bass ones.

Q) If you could invent one gadget to go into each of your Serviced Apartments, what would it do?

Charlotte: This question took a little bit of thinking. I really wanted to think of something that would help with problem-solving. Therefore – Drum roll please… a tablet in each apartment that has a help book or help system that has all the main problems and issues that occur most often. Things like: when the tv does not work, when the heating is not turning on, and how to use the oven, etc. Then if this does not solve the problem there is a way to log this themselves and book in a maintenance/housekeeping member visit, then the team gets a notification when this happens! Now I know that it is Guest Services that help with this and it is great that we are here for guests in that way, but how awesome would it be!

Hannah: I think that I would love to create a mattress that was capable of sensing what comfort level you wanted and would adjust accordingly. This is because so many people have different preferences when it comes to their mattresses and we can’t always accommodate all people! Some prefer a memory foam mattress, some prefer springs, and some like a mixture of the two! Would it not be incredible if we could cater to everybody’s needs!

Yasmin: I would create a Personal chef robot, as I personally dislike cooking. If you could just hand the ingredients to the robot and they are able to make a 5* meal, life would be easier, especially for some of our clients that work long hours and get home super tired, the last thing you would want to do is make a decent meal. I know I’m bad for just having pot noodles because it’s quick and easy, but not exactly healthy.

Q) Which is your favourite Serviced Apartment that you offer and why?

Charlotte: If I have to choose, I think it may have to be 100 Kings Road or Beneficial House. 100 Kings Road, because the apartments are just beautiful along with the aircon. But I love the aesthetics of Beneficial House, the building itself is great, with being able to see down to the bottom from the corridors… it’s the small things that count!

Hannah: After I visited them all for the first time, I was rather overwhelmed with how much there was to see and learn about. I must say though that I think my favourite is 100 Kings Road. I love Kings Road because of its central location, beautifully decorated interior, and 24-hour front desk. Overall, all of the properties are very impressive though and I am embarrassed by how long it took me to just whittle it down!

Yasmin: It’s hard to say as all of them are in lovely locations and they are all in great condition. However, if I had to choose, I would have to choose Kings Road. As we have a 24 hour reception as well as it is in a prime location in my hometown. It also has some newly furnished apartments and I am in love with the direction they are going with the decorations.

Q) We know many of the #HOFfamily are huge fans of the legendary sitcom Friends. Are you and who is your favourite character if so?

Charlotte: I LOVE FRIENDS! I have grown up watching it. When I found out that many members of staff also do, I was over the moon! I can not choose just one character, so I have to say Monika and Phoebe because I relate to them massively! Monika because of her organisation and cleanliness. Phoebe, because of her ditsy and random outbursts,

Hannah: I remember the first time I watched Friends was in a Travelodge in Edinburgh with my dad, at 4am when I was about 7-years-old. I was an early riser back in the day, which my dad was always thrilled about! How times change. I think my favourite character would have to be Chandler. From his awkward (but gorgeous) dance moves to his sarcastic sense of humour, Chandler is a character whom I can very much relate to. I think one of my favourite Chandler Bing quotes is, “Hi, I’m Chandler. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable”. It is uncanny how similar we truly are. I am sure everyone cannot wait to see my glorious dance moves at the Christmas party!

Yasmin: I grew up on it, my father and I would watch it every night before bed. Hard to say who is truly my favourite but if I really had to choose, I would have to say Joey. Not only does he have the iconic line that resonates with me “Joey doesn’t share food!” but he also gets jokes and other things a lot later than everyone else and doesn’t realise what’s happened until a few seconds later which is always funny to watch, and also which I feel is very relatable to me.